Recent Posts Widget Extended
This plugin will enable a custom, flexible and super advanced recent posts, you can display it via shortcode or widget. Allows you to display a list of the most recent posts with thumbnail, excerpt and post date, also you can display it from all or specific or multiple taxonomy, post type and much more!
Taxonomy support!
Post status option.
Custom html or text before and/or after recent posts.
Available filter for dev. Please read FAQ.
Shortcode feature. Please read Other Notes
Better image cropping.
Allow you to set title url.
Display by date, comment count or random.
Display thumbnails, with customizable size and alignment.
Display excerpt, with customizable length.
Display from all, specific or multiple category.
Display from all, specific or multiple tag.
Display post date.
Display modification date
Display comment count
Exclude current post
Read more option.
Post type option.
Custom CSS.
Multiple widgets.